Location, Location, Location

A business lives or dies based on its location.  Growing up I had always wished that Manana, the closest town to where I live, had a McDonalds.  Given that the town is off the beaten path with only a population of around ten, my dreams never came to fruition.  I wasn’t bitter though because I understood economics, at least at a base level. Continue reading

That’s Mr. Thompson To You!

I must apologize for a lack of a post this week, or at least an article.  I got a new math teaching job and I’ve been spending the week setting up my room.  Not only do I need to be ready for my first couple weeks of teaching, but my room has to look spic and span for Open House this next Wednesday!  Like usual, even though I don’t have an article ready, I did still work on my site some.  I updated my Haves/Wants pages from changes made at Gen Con.

Speaking of Gen Con, I picked up cases of the Batman and X-Men starters for five bucks each.  That’s 40 little twenty six card decks that I can use to teach my classes that wonderfully “math-related” game we all love so much!  I also picked up a simple math game that’s pretty similar to Uno for my lower math class called “Straw”.  We played Straw between all our tournament matches because there were always games going twenty minutes past time.  We even got Orange Soda Man from Vs. Realms in on the fun!

Join me next time when I unveil my Super Crossover Sealed report.  It’ll be on your screens Wednesday 8/27 when I should be caught up with everything else going on in my life.  Look forward to talking to you next week!

Instant Harm Paragon

Valkyrie, Chooser of the SlainA paragon is a model, ideal, or standard; therefore an instant harm paragon is something that sets the standard for instant harm. It comes as no surprise then that when you rearrange the letters of Samantha Parrington, you get… instant harm paragon! Coincidence? Yes! Cool? Also yes!

When you first look at Samantha Parrington (once you get over the hotness of the card that is), it’s hard not to notice that her stats are unusual for a four drop. Her attack value is on par with a three drop while her defense value is on par with a five drop. Like Mr. Fantastic, Critical Thinker and Darkseid, Apokoliptian Oppressor, her stats are justified by an amazing ability. In fact, with the abilities of the three aforementioned four drops, you’d rather have high defense values to keep them on table as long as possible. Continue reading