The Gunsmith, Death Times Five

Rarity always seemed to matter to me in Vs.  Most rare attack modifiers like Savage Beatdown, Big Leagues, Steely Resolve, Armageddon, Blinding Rage, etc. outshine their more common counterparts like Combat Reflexes and Acrobatic Dodge.  There is, however, an occasional common or uncommon that is so good you wonder how in the heck it got past the rare-detector.  Teen Titans Go! is the first card that comes to mind.  Though, when you really think about it, only one out of all twelve banned cards is actually a rare, so maybe I need to rethink my hypothesis about the value of rarity.

Back when the Justice League set came out I thought I had found another common card on par with the power of Teen Titans Go!  The first time I read this card I was taken aback.  I thought, “Like ‘Bill’ in the Pokemon TCG that nets you free cards with no drawback, you’d be an idiot not to run as many of these as allowed in your deck!” Continue reading

Full Frontal Lobo-Tommy

I was trolling through the blogs the other day on the Vs. System Network (see my links) when I came across Lost Hemisphere’s “Thursday 13” about cards that have yet to be broken.  When I got to his #10 on the list and saw that it was Lobo, The Main Man, I slapped myself.  I had not thought of that card since it was previewed before DC Legends was even released!  Now that he was freshly in my mind I decided to build a deck that included him.  I decided not to build a deck “around him,” just one with good synergy.  The fact is, I can’t really see how to break him in a format that usually ends the game before he even comes into play!  However, that doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun and find ways to put his power to use. Continue reading

It’s a Miracle!

Last Christmas, when I was busy praying for Vs.-related gifts and watchingMiracle on 34th Street the traditional Christmas movie fare, something caught my attention. I looked closely at the DVD box art of ‘Miracle on 34th Street’ and saw something I had never seen before. The Santa in the background looked oddly familiar. It was then that I remembered that they had to add a subtitle to the movie to keep it in line with all five of its sequels and prequels. The new subtitle was: ‘Miracle on Yancy Street’. Now I might just be getting this movie confused with ‘Star Wars’, or it’s possible that my opening diversions are just getting much more insane; either way, I was inspired. But instead of trying to find a way to abuse Yancy Street itself, which would pigeonhole me to Golden Age, I decided to settle for just a miracle… Mister Miracle to be exact. Continue reading

Collateral Damage

For the uninformed, collateral damage is a U.S. Military collateral_damage1.jpgterm for unintended harm or damage during a military operation. It is also a 2002 action film which tells the story of a Los Angeles firefighter Gordy Brewer (played by Arnold Schwarz-enegger) who looks to avenge his son’s and wife’s deaths at the hands of a guerrilla commando, by traveling to Colombia and facing their killers.* For the sake of this blog I will be referring to the former definition.

There really is only one team in Vs. that truly embodies what collateral damage is all about. One team, that whenever attacked causes harm that you did not intend. I’m talking about the Villains United and their Vengeance mechanic. Continue reading